

Imagine a painter meticulously creating a masterpiece, pixel by pixel. Similarly, iPixel precisely targets microscopic zones of your skin, leaving surrounding tissue untouched. This promotes faster healing and collagen regeneration, resulting in improved texture, skin tone, and a reduction in imperfections.

iPixel is versatile and effective for treating various areas of the body such as:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Decolletage/Chest
  • Hands
  • Above the knees

Its precision allows for customizable treatments, addressing fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and more.

Yes, iPixel is considered a safe and effective aesthetic laser treatment approved by the FDA.

While iPixel is generally well-tolerated, it’s essential to be aware of potential risks, although they are rare. These may include:

  • Pigment Changes: In rare cases, there may be temporary changes in skin pigmentation. This is more common in individuals with darker skin tones. We advise pre-treating with hydroquinone or a brightening serum for at least 2-4 weeks to help minimize this risk. Call us for more information or recommendations.
  • Risk of Infection: Although extremely rare, there’s a minimal risk of infection. Following post-procedure instructions diligently can help minimize this risk.
  • Scarring: While uncommon, excessive inflammation or irritation could potentially lead to scarring. This risk is significantly reduced when iPixel is performed by experienced professionals such as those at Vibrant Med Spa.

While iPixel is generally safe, certain individuals should exercise caution or explore alternative options. Avoid iPixel if:

  • Pregnant or Planning Pregnancy: Postpone if pregnant or planning pregnancy; wait until after childbirth and breastfeeding.
  • Active Skin Infections: Hold off if you have active skin infections resolve them before considering iPixel. Call us as soon as possible if you’re unsure.
  • Antibiotic or Steroid Use: You cannot receive the treatment if you’ve had these medications within 2 weeks of having the procedure. Please notify us as soon as possible so we can reschedule.
  • Recent COVID or Other Viral Infections: You may receive the procedure once you’ve been symptom-free for 2 weeks.
  • Recent Sun Exposure/Tanning: Minimize sun exposure 10-14 days before and after treatment to reduce the risk of complications.
  • History of Keloid Scarring: Individuals with keloid scarring history may not be ideal candidates for iPixel.
  • Unrealistic Expectations: Those expecting immediate, dramatic results without understanding the gradual process should consider a consultation before scheduling the procedure.

Our professionals conduct thorough consultations to assess your unique circumstances and determine the best skincare approach for you.

When scheduling your procedure:

  • Tell us if you have Fitzpatrick Skin Type III-VI, are of African, Asian, or Hispanic heritage, or have skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, melasma, sunspots, uneven skin tone, or are prone to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation; suitability varies. Complimentary consultation and/or pre-treatment with brightening agents may be advised.
  • Let us know if you have facial herpes (HSV-1) so we can call in a prophylactic oral anti-viral agent to begin 24-48 hours before treatment.

It’s normal to experience redness and swelling for several days and you must limit sun exposure for 10-14 days post-procedure. Be mindful of upcoming events or trips when scheduling your treatment.

It is imperative to review the pre-procedure instructions you’ll receive upon booking your first iPixel procedure. There may be several things you need to do and/or avoid up to 14 days before your treatment. Failure to do so may necessitate rescheduling your appointment, and you will be charged a $50 fee.

Plan about 90 minutes for your appointment.

When you arrive, we will:

  1. Take “before” photos for your treatment record.
  2. Apply topical numbing cream for 45 minutes.
  3. Cleanse the skin, then perform the procedure, making a few passes over your skin with the device. The procedure lasts about 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

You may experience mild sensations like sunburn during and after the procedure, with temporary redness and swelling that typically subsides within a few days.

iPixel treatments are generally well-tolerated with minimal discomfort. We apply topical numbing cream before the procedure. Most individuals experience a sensation akin to mild sunburn during the treatment.

We also offer the option to add Pro-Nox® (laughing gas) as an additional means of managing discomfort. This clears your system quickly, and you’ll be able to drive after 5 minutes post-procedure.

Some clients choose to add a Glacial Glide treatment immediately after their procedure, which provides 10 minutes of continuous cooling, helps speed recovery, and minimizes the risk of post-inflammatory inflammation.

Results from an iPixel treatment are typically noticeable after the first session, with improvements in skin texture and tone. However, optimal results often develop gradually over several weeks as collagen production is stimulated. Many individuals experience continued enhancement over multiple sessions.

It’s important to consult with our professionals to establish a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific skincare goals.

The number of iPixel treatments needed varies based on individual skincare goals and concerns. While some may see improvements after a single session, a series of treatments, often ranging from three to five sessions, is recommended for optimal and long-lasting results. Package pricing is available, and we offer financing options through Care Credit.

Our experts can assess your skin during a complimentary consultation and tailor a treatment plan to meet your specific needs.

The results of iPixel treatments are long-lasting, with improvements in skin texture and tone. While individual experiences vary, many clients enjoy sustained benefits for several months to a year or more, especially with proper maintenance such as routine facials and consistent use of medical-grade skincare products.

Maintenance sessions of iPixel are recommended every 6-12 months to prolong and enhance results, ensuring ongoing collagen stimulation and addressing evolving skincare concerns.

After an iPixel treatment at Vibrant Med Spa, you can expect minimal downtime. While individual experiences vary, many people resume their regular activities immediately. You may notice mild redness and swelling, like a sunburn, which typically subsides within a few days. It’s advisable to avoid direct sun exposure and use sunscreen during the recovery period. Adhering to post-treatment instructions is crucial to avoiding complications and achieving optimal results.

Post Procedure Instructions:

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